Real-world social activities require support from network systems. Once these systems are integrated into network operations, a feedback loop is created that influences real-world social activities. Commnpo supports diverse, cross-disciplinary communities that flow in parallel, with each community focused on their respective social innovation goals. By using appropriate network systems in this process of virtual and real interaction, individuals are able to accumulate and create their own networked social designs.
Network Society Design: Activating Onsite or Online
Collaborative accumulation on platforms and immersive on-site observations enable individuals to experience innovative social lives in motion, while allowing networks and society to shape each other.
Let social innovation become part of everyday life
Transforming the living space where virtual and physical worlds intersect to meet our expectations.
Humans now act as multilingual and global operators through various networking tools, engaging in international gatherings and transactions at any time.
We don't follow processes driven by large corporate marketing. Instead, we intentionally use information tools to create a community that goes beyond limitations. This enables us to transform our virtual and real interactive space according to our expectations. This is the essence of networked social design

The freedom to use tools is the first step towards achieving freedom of action
Digital and media literacy is crucial for tackling pollution and protecting oneself, as information tools represent individuals in a networked society. Therefore, the freedom of tools is the first step towards freedom of action. The development of technical tools requires transparency, democratic supervision, human values, and socio-cultural empowerment.

Establishing connections and the flow of entities within those connections
Connecting and navigating entities within those connections are vital for online and offline social interactions. The types and functionality of connection tools shape social actions and community collaboration outcomes.

Autonomous and open cloud: the starting point of everyday life
Every community, group, organization, and individual needs an autonomous cloud
We all need a cloud - a space for everyday life, tools for free movement, and networks for value creation and transmission.

Smart Tools
In the dimensions of 「communication」, 「learning」,「production」, and 「content」; humans and smart tools have already integrated

value creation
Through the collaborative activities of 「production」, 「realization」, 「distribution」, and 「regeneration」, we convey value.

Operational governance
Continuing operational governance within the three creative activities of 「decision-making」, 「relationships」, and 「execution」
Designing and constructing new life and work environments
at the intersection of the network and physical space
through an innovative perspective
The toolbox of social innovation
Creating a cloud community, digital selves, and collaborative communities.
BBButton Classroom
Matrix Synapse ecoSyetm
You can create hybrid work departments by blending different people and environments
Safer financial transactions and privacy protection, more efficient e-commerce
Community Forum
A knowledge base shaped by dynamic conversations and collaborative accumulation
NextCLoud Hub
Incorporate all activities revolving around the file repository into a rigorous process
AI Web Design
AI & CI-supported website design process and cloud-based hosting system.
AI & CI Learning
All learning is a comprehensive check and search-integrated learning across the entire network.
Graphical analysis of visitor activities within privacy protection
Community mutual Support
Graphical analysis of visitor activities within privacy protection
Geo Resourse Map
Connecting people and resources through spatial relationships
AR & Metaverse
The current social space created through panoramic views and collage
Video Learning Library
Audiovisual knowledge encompasses knowledge through audio and video for collaborative management